Full face masks reduce the need for intubation

Initially used in patients with COVID-19, the new technology is also benefiting patients from other specialties treated at the Hospital

Patients at Pequeno Príncipe Hospital who need mechanical ventilation can count on a new technology: full face masks. Connected to a respirator, they provide the necessary ventilation for patients, often avoiding the need for intubation. “With this, we reduce the risks of any possible injury to the trachea and pulmonary sequelae, in addition to providing more comfort and reducing the trauma that an intubation can generate,” explains the Nursing vice-director of Pequeno Príncipe, Junia Selma de Freitas. “Another benefit is the reduction in the need for sedation. All this without compromising the patient’s ventilation,” she adds.

The masks are imported and, initially, their use was indicated for patients infected with coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). As the mask surrounds the entire face, leaning on the bony structures of the forehead and chin, it avoids the dispersion of aerosols – small microscopic particles that are suspended in the air and are released in breathing and speech. “The protection of the teams is an additional benefit of this mask model,” highlights Junia.

According to the vice-director, the masks arrived at the Hospital and were adopted in the specific Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of COVID-19, but soon afterwards it was decided to make them available also to patients from other ICUs, precisely because of the various benefits it provides. Pequeno Príncipe has purchased 30 masks that are sterilizable and therefore can be reused.

“In the Neonatal ICU, for example, the mask is used as soon as we detect a worsening of the respiratory capacity of small patients. As a result, we often avoid the need for intubation,” explains the unit’s chief physician, Silmara Possas.

According to her, the mask is also widely used after extubation, to help the patient to return to gas exchange normally. “Children adapt better to this mask model, which is much more comfortable. Another great benefit is that, compared to other models, the full face is the mask that best maintains ventilatory pressure, giving even more security to the treatments we offer,” reinforces the doctor.


COVID-19 Report

Until 10 a.m. on November 6, the Pequeno Príncipe Hospital treated 978 suspected cases of the disease, 141 of which were confirmed

Pequeno Príncipe Gala mobilizes Hospital supporters in an innovative way

Online event will take place on November 18, at 7 p.m., on the institution’s YouTube channel and will count on the participation of chef Claude Troisgros and singer and actor Tiago Abravanel

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